The grandmother that taught me tatting passed away on July 7th. She was 95 years old. She had not tatted for a number of years, after breaking one of her wrists, but she still loved to talk about it, remember how much she loved to do it, watch me do it and look at the work I was doing. She always said to me, "people pay you HOW MUCH for TATTING?!"

Here is a link to her obituary: My Grandma
She was such a sweet, wonderful lady. My husband always said, "she is such the typical grandma!" - she had the gift of hospitality, always wanting to make sure you had what you wanted or needed and she loved to have guests to wait on and fawn over. Her whole house was geared for entertaining - from the basement to the garage (both were complete with bars and plenty of seating and used for parties numerous times). She taught me crocheting as well as tatting and loved to play all kinds of games with us kids as well. My grandparents took us on bus trips all over the east coast - Disney, World's Fairs and lots of other interesting places. She loved to go to Atlantic city (and she was darn lucky there too - no wonder she liked it). When we got older, we played pinochle or penny games with both my grandparents - almost every weekend. And after I was married and had kids and lived far away, hers was still always the house that we stayed at when we came home for a visit.
I will surely miss her, but find hope and take comfort in the promise that we will be together again some day. I will be sure to bring some shuttles.
What a beautiful lady! I am sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing. It seems like you have some wonderful memories of her. You and your family are in my prayers.
What a lovely tribute to your grandma, sounds like you will miss her so much. Just hang on to those wonderful memories.
What a wonderful lady she must have been. You are lucky to have had her for all those years.
I hope that your faith and your memories bring you comfort. My sympathy for your loss.
So sorry to hear your grandmother passed away. What a sweet story you told about her. It's even sweeter that she's the one that taught you to tat.
Please accept my deepest sympathies on your loss. Even when we are fortunate to have our loved ones with us for a long time (my gram was just shy of 95 when she passed away), it still feels like they leave us too soon.
I don't know how I missed seeing this before now. I am so sorry you lost your beloved grandmother. Having those wonderful memories to keep you company is a blessing indeed. I'm sure she was thrilled to see you so fully expressing yourself with that art that she taught you.
What a wonderful lady! I am so sorry for your loss
I wanted to add my regrets at your loss. I hope my grands have that many nice memories of times with DH and I. I didn't get to know my grands very well, but I have a couple of good memories of grandparents back in Iowa.
You will miss her greatly since she was a part of your life; speaking as a Grandmother, "She did love you very, very much" sometimes the love for one's grands swells up inside and one feels as though they might burst. Really. Just to know that a part of Gram will live on in that gene bank! You were blessed by her life and you honored her in her passing. A big hug from another OMA...
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