Friday, March 14, 2008

Motif Nineteen

Here is an adapted edging pattern done in a very thick silk (about a size 10, and a little thicker than I really enjoy working with.) But I love silk for tatting - and the colors - yum!


  1. Just beautiful, love the colours they are so soft and gentle. Did you dye the thread?

  2. Your necklace is beautiful! The colors remind me of the dress my sister wore to my daughter Andrea's wedding.

  3. The beads match the thread so well, and it's a beautiful design.

  4. Thanks everyone.

    No, this is a commercially available thread. I should not have called in hand-dyed (I'm so used to using hand-dyed threads lately I had a momentary mental lapse!)

    I have not been daring enough to dye thread yet - probably won't either - no time and no idea what to do.

  5. This is very lovely. We all covet your patterns but I understand that creating items this beautiful would be more important than writing up patterns!

  6. the blending of colors in the beads and the thread is beautifully done. nice work!

  7. Very nice piece of tatting and the colours are perfect.

  8. That is GREAT work! I love it when I see the lovely art of tatting with beautiful thread and expert handwork. You also have a great I for coordinating color. The result is gorgeous!
