Thursday, February 12, 2009

Roses in Bloom

I found this pattern (the part at the front of the necklace) in a vintage tatting book. I thought the edging looked like flowers so I had in my mind how I wanted to use Yarnplayer's "Roses" thread and make it really look like flowers - unfortunately, the pattern wouldn't cooperate and I ended up doing it in two layers instead of just one like the pattern was written. So then I stopped it short and created the rest of the necklace afterwards. I still like the way it turned out, but I have some more ideas.

I need to tweak the pattern a little more to get better results. Unfortunately I have the flu and can't think straight, so I'm going back to sleep now.


  1. OOOOOh I love! I'm getting thread envy :-)

  2. Very pretty! Sorry you're sick!

  3. It's absolutely, incredibly lovely!
    Hope you feel better soon.

  4. So very pretty - I love your colors!! I haven't decided what to do with my roses thread yet. Feel better soon!

  5. Oh, that is beautiful! I like Krystle's comment "thread envy", LOL! That's funny!!!

  6. Thanks for all the well wishes - I do feel better today.

    This thread is GORGEOUS so I understand the thread envy, LOL. Today I want to play with one I got from Lady Shuttlemaker - "Peach Pandorea" - so maybe I'll post that one later this week.

  7. Gorgeous!! I love the color scheme. What size thread did you use for it? Completely adore them...

  8. Size 20 is definitely my favorite for jewelry.
