Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A New Family Member

My husband was the first to see two little kittens in the front yard next door.  It turns out there were three all together - two gray ones and a black one.   Mom is a beautiful long-haired gray cat, but is a stray, very anti-social, and teaching the kitties to be the same.  She moved two of the kittens after we saw them, but after a night of pitiful meowing off and on, I finally went out and rescued the little black one who was very cold and hungry after a long night alone.  I'm not sure whether mom planned to come back for him, but I couldn't wait any longer to find out.  Here he is:

Oh yeah, he's a cutie.  He was very scared at first, hissing and meowing, but once he got some food in his tummy and a warm place to sleep and found out just how good petting can be, he is now purring and loving all the attention, playing like crazy and getting into everything.

My husband, who said I was only allowed to have two cats (we already have two we rescued from a shelter), seems to have gone all soft and mushy with this little guy and has said nothing about taking him to the shelter - he seems to be willing to take kitty in.

We are thinking of naming him Troy, after the Pittsburgh Steeler's safety, Troy Polamalu, who also has lovely long black hair. :-)  My family are pretty big Steelers fans and we think he looks like a Troy.  He certainly flies around jumping and getting into everything like Polamalu does.


  1. Oh what a cuddly little kitten he is. Congratulations on the new little addition.

  2. He is cute. Glad he was brought into a nice, warm home.

  3. Awhhhhhhh, how adorable. I just want to squeeze him with love. Too cute.

  4. congratulations! you're very good people, thank you for the safe kitten! I've got 6 cats which are rescue frome krakows streets (we live in poland)and I adorable peopel who do it the same.


  5. Hi Elizabeth!

    First of all, CONGRATS on the 100% on the accounting exam! That's VERY impressive. Accounting is not my strong suit! :)

    And your experiments with the plastic rings indicate you've mastered the technique already. Beautiful work, as usual.

    Jon has all of us hunting for cabone rings, but there don't seem to be consistent sizes.

    You're sweet little kitty is so cute! How are the other cats adjusting? I'm pleased to hear you're a Steelers fan!

  6. Hi, I've just discovered your blog, and tatting along with it. Your work is beautiful and I'd like to feature you in the next Green Eyed Monday on my blog. Would that be ok? And would I be able to use some of your pics? Thanks in advance!
    Greetings from Transylvania,

  7. Hi NeMe,

    That would be fine - thanks for asking!


  8. There you are! :>
