Saturday, January 23, 2010

Missing Mary Konior

Is it possible to miss someone you've never actually met?  Somehow I think of people out there in tatting land as my friends even if we've never spoken.  After all, we do have something pretty substantial in common - we love tatting!  Designers are especially near and dear to my heart - so many talented people out there, and I feel like I know them through their methods, particular style and ways of designing tatting.

One of my favorites has always been Mary Konior, and so when I heard of her passing, I just had to pull out her books and peruse the loveliness within (they are quite well worn as I have perused them often in the past - but it had been a while).  Her designs are so neat, so symmetrical,  and very unique as well.  She had a very specific style, and I think it's easy to pick her designs out of a crowd.

Even though I never met her, I feel very strongly the tatting world lost a very special lady.  I am so thankful she left behind a legacy of her lovely designs for us to remember her by.


  1. I agree with you completely... now back to looking at my Mary Konior books.

  2. Beautifully put, Elizabeth. I believe we are, all of us, out here in Tat-land, feeling much the same way. I know I am.
    ♥ Fox : )

  3. A lovely tribute, beautifully tatted.
    She would be proud.

  4. Well said Beth! What a nice tribute to her memory and may we never forget her. I love your newest piece here!

  5. Lovely example of her contributions to us.

  6. I know what you mean. It felt weird to be so disturbed by the passing of someone I've never met. The bracelet is lovely.

  7. Delighted to see you posting again, with your busy schedule!
    This is a goregeous bracelet and wonderful tribute to Mary. Your work, as usual, leaves me in awe!
