Saturday, July 17, 2010

Well, hello!

It's been a long, long time since I posted - look at that last post - January!  Dear me. I'm fortunate to still have followers, I think.  Thanks for sticking with me, inconsistent as I am.  School, family, work, and life in general all conspire against poor ole Blogger. 

Although I am a busy person I still always find time for tatting.  Also, learning new bead-weaving techniques is one of my favorite things to do nowadays.  Here's a recent piece that combines both techniques.

Beaded leaves compliment this vintage pattern from "Lily Doilies & Edgings to Tat & Crochet" in Yarnplayer's gorgeous "Roses" thread. A picture of the entire necklace will reveal a problem however.

I've been wearing it myself (rather than offering it for sale) once I realized the mistake.  I will get around to fixing that wayward upside-down bead one of these days.  I do plan on remaking the necklace for sale and keeping this one, however, because while wearing it I fell in love with it.

In other news, the "Garden Afternoon" piece finally sold at my latest show - it looked so good on the lady who bought it that while I was a bit sad to see it go, I was comforted by the fact that it found a great home.  In my mind a piece is never really "finished" until you get to see someone wearing it.  All the work and time and creative energy and love you put into it is then - somehow - complete.

That's all for now, but hopefully I'll be a little more active in the days and weeks to come.  Thanks again for hanging around!


  1. Can you hear me shouting? WELCOME BACK !!! :) :) :)

    I've been checking your blog all week, thinking you might have some time to post after your recent show! And I was about to sign off the computer tonight, when I checked one more time!

    I had SO hoped to visit you at the show, and had been planning to, but we just couldn't make it. I thought of you and wondered if the temperatures were as hot there as they were here in Western PA - in the 90s and high humidity!

    This fabulous necklace is GORGEOUS! The beaded leaves are just perfect! (I'm curious how you did those.) I'm not sure I would have noticed the upside down bead right away.

    Believe me, your MANY followers will be delighted you've returned!

  2. That necklace is absolutely gorgeous!

  3. How odd...yesterday I visited your blog - went all the way back and wondered where you had gone, for I have told people to check out your beautiful tatting, but knew there had been no recent posts.

    Today - here you are!

    So glad to see you back. And, I love the necklace. It is fabulous!
    Fox : )

  4. I love the necklace, it's gorgeous!
    Welcome back!

  5. I'm so happy to see you back! The necklace is gorgeous! It took me a while to see the upside down bead. I'm sure I could have dealt with it! ; )

  6. It's breathingtaking! I ♥ it! WOW! I sound like an echo! Glad you're back! :D
    ~TattingChic ♥

  7. Beautiful necklace Elizabeth!! The beaded leaves are a perfect addition to this piece. I love this colorway of Yarnplayers too!! Welcome back, hope to see you blog more often.

  8. Good to see you again! :)
    Lovely necklace. The beaded leaves are just perfect! I never noticed the mistake until you mentioned it...

  9. The necklace is stunning! Beautiful work - don't worry about correcting the wayward bead too soon. Enjoy every wearing of it!
