Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Class Available

I will be teaching an "intro to tatting" class on February 5th at somethings looming in Reading, PA.  Just go to their website where you will find all the information you need to sign up if you are interested (click on "Saturday Samplers" right on the front page).  I'm busy getting the kits together so come join us!

Apologies to my faithful readers and followers - once again life, or more specifically school and work, have taken over and I literally have no time for blogging, e-mailing, reading other blogs, etc.  I know I fall off the face of the earth for months at a time.  I'm still here but not doing much tatting.

I promised some customers I would post when I would be teaching a class, however, so here I am popping in just for a second.


  1. Wish you the best! Are you putting items in the gallery, too? Ellie

  2. Beth, I just love looking at your creations! Everything is just beautiful! And I just love the cross I have - I have it with me today at work! Everyone loves it. Just wanted to say thanks for making such beautiful tatting for us to drool over! Dyan
