Saturday, August 27, 2011

Drawing Patterns

Hi all!  Long time, no hear from me.  I will hopefully be sitting for at least part of the CPA exam in November, so studying is in high gear.  Still working full time, still doing art shows, and now teaching tatting as well - in other words, still biting off more than I can chew.  This is the story of my life. 

I have been taking Sharon's "Design Tat" class, although I generally don't post there either and just work on things on my own when I can.  I recommend the class highly (although I'm not sure when the next one is starting); it's very informative and the tutorials on writing patterns with drawing software are extremely helpful.  I've been playing around today with the software and in the attempt, completed a new written pattern for my "Tigereye Earrings" and then came up with a diagram for my mini-cross (the written pattern was originally posted as Motif 24 on my blog here: Mini-Cross).

Pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

And that's all the time I have to share today - must get back to studying.  I do have some "Intro to Tatting" classes coming up in the near future - watch for posts about that in the coming days and weeks ahead.


  1. Hi, Elizabeth! So good to see a post from you, my main shuttle-buying enabler!

    Great design. And I concur - Sharon's course is wonderful. I really enjoyed it as well.

    Good luck on your exams.
    Fox : )

  2. I'm in the class too - been quiet also. I took it mainly for the Serif Draw instructions.

    Nice cross!

  3. Really pleased to see this post!

    So glad you are doing well! That's a lot of studying, plus, you're tackling a design course with the drawing software!

    I appreciate having the drawing of your cross. I hope to tat it, now that I'm more famililar with front-side tatting, and the drawing will help!

    I somehow missed the update of your show schdule! So glad to hear you're still doing them!

    And I hope you got through the 'Irene' storm okay.

  4. Hi Elizabeth-
    So nice to hear from your end!

    Yes - I am taking the class. I agree it is highly informative and good class for any level. So highly recommend it.

    Also, I will keep myself tuned for your course as well.

    Best of luck on all 100 million things you are doing!

    Prabhdeep (Neophytetatter)

  5. Hi all, it's so nice to see some people are still checking in on me when I check out for such long periods of time.

    Fox, I've bought more shuttles even though I swore I wouldn't! LOL

    Kathy - Irene didn't effect us much, a lot of wind, but we didn't even lose power or anything. Thankfully!

    Crazy Mom and Neophyte, I love Serif Draw! I actually ended up buying the full blown version. The class has been great.

  6. I was just checking the picture with the written directions, and the long side of the cross in the written directions is a 2-4-5-4, but the picture has a 2-4-4 arm. The picture of the cross you did seems to have the 5 as well. Thanks for a lovely pattern and schematic!

  7. Thank you for noticing that Susie - I fixed the schematic to match the written pattern.

  8. Beautiful little cross, I followed the link to see your cross.
    I hope you are enjoying your class.
    This is the first time I have seen our lovely blog and I will be back again soon.
